Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The South Was Right????

I had to stop and take a photo of this today.

This car has a bumper sticker with the confederate flag symbol and words "The South Was Right".

Guess they think slavery is "right", inequality and injustice is "right", denying people the right to learn to read and write is "right", the intentional break up and forced separation of families is "right", Black women being used for "whatever" purposes of their master or his friends is "right" and showing no allegiance to the USA and the flag which is legally flown is "right".

I suppose this driver and those who feel the South was right would gladly return us all to this dark era in our history.

the south was right???

Yes, this mom had to rant.  I don't think people stop to consider the message they are sending for the world to see.  If you saw a bumper sticker that said "The 911 Attackers were Right" or "Modern Day Slavery is Right" or some other thing like that, it would be easy to see how wrong it is.

I live in the South and have for going on 19 years.  I was born in the South and raised by a southern woman. There are some things the South does right and has gotten right - Slavery and the Civil War are not included.

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