Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Do You Work Inside the Home or Outside the Home?

Years ago I was going through a local Junior League class to become a new member and at the President’s home at our graduation celebration another member asked a question that I have reflected on again and again over the past six years.  She asked if I worked inside the home or outside the home.

Mother with baby.

At the time I was working a full time job outside the home, but I considered that I was also working inside the home.  It wasn't either/or, but AND.


She worked inside the home full-time.  At the time I had never been a full-time SAHM, homemaker, housewife, or even a WAHM.  I didn't really have much choice but to return to my full-time job after my 12 weeks of maternity leave ended after my daughter was born.


With my second, nearly a decade later, things had changed.  I had a profession and was working part-time from home doing challenging and interesting work, mostly while my daughter was at school.  The occasional evening meeting wasn't bad and she could even tag along at times.  I had become a WAHM.


With a new baby, I dropped down to very part-time work before putting it to the side in December.  What I have learned is that there are upsides and downsides to all the choices we make for our families and ourselves and one solution is just one solution and there is certainly no one size fits all.   I have also learned that is isn't in my nature to solely do home-making. For me there is something fulfilling about having a project, completing it, and seeing the results of your work; being able to return to it, look at it, learn from it, and continue growing.  I also appreciate a neat house, clean clothes, and home-cooked meals.  Some other women may feel the same way about doing these tasks and be completely fulfilled in that, and I am so happy for them.  We are all different.  Those differences should not be ways to separate and divide us, creating unnecessary divisions between women based on our choices.


I know women across the spectrum, all of us working hard, whether inside, outside, or both.


I don't think either is easier than the other- especially if you are home with young children or working a job that is intense and demanding.  Both add value to our society, when done well.


But we do our best, trying to balance our lives and all of its intersections, as women have always done and I am sure will continue to do.

I am currently a full-time SAHM and working part-time on my business.  I have ventured into new territory and am allowing myself the room and freedom

1 comment:

  1. Bern, I am very impressed with your wisdom. Keep up the good work you will be a blessing to many families
