Yesterday was an absolute blast. My daughter turned 11, making me feel just a bit older than I'd like to. I took her and her best friend (turns 11 Sunday) to the skating rink in the afternoon and I skated for probably 3 full hours with the occasional wipe the sweat from my brow break.
She and her friend had a good time being big girls. They got a set amount of money and couldn't come back asking for more, but had full ownership and decision-making over how they spent it. I am so proud of my little big girl. She is steadily creeping up in height. And I kid you not, I measured her on 6/9 and then I measured her last night on 6/18 and it was a full 1/4 inch difference. No wonder she is so hungry. She is officially growing like a weed! And getting pretty while slimming down. Yeah, I could see the few other tweener boys there checking her out. I could only shake my head. It was beginning.
The rink had mostly kids from about 2 to 12 and a few parents scattered about. I was so surprised so few were skating. I probably looked like the wannabee teen bopping around dancing on my skates song after song. Yup, no shame here. Put music with a good beat on and give me room to move and I can't help myself. Music just kinda gets in my soul.
So the girls skated, played arcade games, and were even allowed to play in the kid zone while it was empty - despite their being a full FOOT TALLER than the posted height guidelines. Once littler kids started coming over, they had to leave, but that was even fun. Meanwhile I was on the rink floor, perhaps having more fun than them?
I realized while zipping around the floor, how different my childhood was from theirs. They could skate, just enough to get around. They didn't grow up going to skating rinks for camp field trips, and any other excuse.
Of course, there are no good skating rinks near us so it's a good haul just for us to go. Hey - Sparkles - open a rink near City of Decatur or Avondale Estates like you have in Smyrna and Hiram. Please.. Pretty Please? With sparkles on top?
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