Monday, February 3, 2014

Continuing the 6 Week Challenge - Week 4

This week I continue the six week challenge that is on I jumpstarted the challenge by doing weeks 1 to 3 at the same time.  Now, I am on to week 4 and removing the artificial fragrances. So this will be about reading labels and getting rid of the (hopefully) few items I have don’t meet the standard.  I am also going to try lavender in an essential oil form to replace things I do like to have fragrance.

I know this is worth it after running into one of my daughter’s teachers at school last week when I had to pick her up due to Atlanta’s version of a blizzard and icestorm (i.e. 2 inches of snow with a layer of preventable ice).  She was praising my daughter for how focused she’s been and how she’s been picking up things so quickly when she is focused. It was enough to make a mother proud and truly committed to these changes.  Plus, the rest of us are eating better and not polluting ourselves as much.  It does help that I bribe their cooperation with fresh baked muffins, biscuits, and cookies…

See my Pinterest page ( for some of the recipes I’ve made and plan to make.   I add a teaspoon or so of flaxseed into just about everything I bake and they are none the wiser.

My Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Muffins (Yummmmmmy!!!!) - Kids and Hubby LOVED them

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