Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Getting the Fake out of the Food

I'm reading this stuff on MSG and artificial food colors and artificial food flavoring. It's a bit scary what we put into our bodies. MSG literally KILLS YOUR BRAIN cells. I didn't know that until yesterday. At least this might help me rid myself of my desire for sour patch kids and starbursts.

I am starting the challenge below, but accelerating the removal of excitotoxins, artificial colors, and artificial flavors. I 'officially' start on Sunday of next week (hey we have 2 birthdays in our house this week and I don't believe in setting myself for certain failure).

I must say thank you thank you thank you to my mom for not giving us those sugary and colorful cereals (I still don't eat them) and for watching what we ate based on what she knew.

Learn more about the 6 week challenge, MSG, and other things from this mom who changed her families diet to help with adhd/add but had other great side effects! http://www.ourfamilyeats.com/the-6-week-challenge/

I jump started yesterday by doing a pantry purge with a little purge of the fridge.  See the pics below of the stuff I sent off to the food pantry (in the carry bag) and the stuff being sent straight to the garbage.  

Anyone else want in? We can live longer and better together.

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