Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Case of the Midlife Crisis (Or So They Call It)

The Case of the Midlife Crisis

I have been listening for years to people speaking of this midlife crisis.  Usually in regards to a middle aged man getting a new sporty car.  I have an opinion about this and I feel like sharing it.

So here goes…

Why is it a mid life crisis when life goes as follows for most men (and women)?

Teens – You aren’t getting that fancy car unless you are the child of someone really rich (can a kid really handle all that power?)

Twenties – You have a boatload of debt and you just started your career. By the end of your 20s you may be looking to marry, buy your first home, or start your family. Can’t afford that sporty car and with a kid on the way, it’s not even practical at this point.

Thirties – Yeah you are making a bit more money but remember those kids?  Carseats, booster seats, and kid legs and kid messes aren’t a match for that sporty ride now.  Guess you just have to wait a bit more.

Forties – OMG you are getting closer.  College debt is down, you’re in your prime earning years, you’ve been saving for your kids’ college and now they don’t have to go everywhere you go.  The main family car is probably close to paid off and you may even have real date nights again with your oldest as the sitter.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.

Your going on 50 and you want what?  You want a sports car? What’s wrong with you? It’s so impractical! So Immature! 


Right on Time!!!!   When ELSE are YOU going to get have this danged car?  In your grave?  I mean come on.  

When is it better to drive a car with so much power?  No better time than when you have the maturity to handle the power and the discipline to be in control.

My husband and I are behind the 8 ball on the timeline (He’s 48 and we have a toddler).  But I am looking forward to my husband’s ‘so called mid-life crisis’.  I’ll be riding right beside him. 

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