Monday, September 2, 2013

A Journey

Years ago I experienced something that could not be explained by any physical or natural terms. It was supernatural, beyond what we could grasp in our three dimensional existence, but certainly very real. 

That and those experiences since have shaped my perspective and view of our world and of people.  It has shaped how I make decisions and how I consider those decisions’ impact on those around me and on earth.

I realize fully that I am a spiritual being having a human experience.  I fully embrace it; both my humanity and my spirituality.  I love this earth and the beauty it holds in the people, nature, cultures.  I love my experience with spirit and the wonders it holds – wonders some might not understand but that make the world a more beautiful place when seen with eyes wide open.

I am on a journey.  I am not sure where I end up exactly.  I can only take it step by step, day by day.  I know it is the right path and that the journey is part of the experience.  I know that I will stumble, fall, go the wrong way at times, and have to find my way back.  That happens.  It’s why we have GPS – God’s Prophetic Servants :-).

I am excited about this journey and sometimes afraid.  When you know you are meant for something greater than you are currently experiencing, you can expect some growing pains.  And who really ‘wants’ growing pains?  After all I am having a HUMAN experience.  And pain hurts.  But when we get through it, to the other side, we can look back, and can say, “Yeah, it hurt, but it wasn’t that bad”.  And if you learn the lessons you don’t have to repeat it and you can say it was worth it. 

I want to look back and be able to say I did what I came here to do; I did my job the best that I could, and it was worth it.

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