As women we are expected to be so many things to so many people. Sometimes it's an expectation we put on ourselves, sometimes its one others put on us. Either way, trying to be everything to everyone is hard, exhausting, and a reason to find and covet those rare MOMents where you can take some well deserved MomME time to remember that in addition to everything else you are and have to be - you gotta be you, too.
I sell on Etsy (just my Huggmis) and Bonanza (anything offered from Adored - my company) and welcome other mompreneurs trying to make our world happier, better, more comforting, and one in which we can be and feel adored. I'm sure this will develop along the way.
Now, I should be trying to catch a 30 minute nap, if my baby would sleep just a little longer. But before I do.... a few simple rules for Mom Adored blog.
My simple rules are that I never never post pics of my loved ones (I know...protective) and well, commenters who are mean and disrespectful to other readers and different opinions just won't be tolerated.
Mom Adored
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